Changing the iES Password

This page explains how to change the iES password.

  1. Request authentication and open the pinpad
  2. Wait until the push is received
  3. Proceed with decryption when the push is received
  4. Have the password entered
  5. Proceed with the authentication process
  6. Have the password entered
  7. Have the password confirmed
  8. Proceed with password change
  9. Check if authentication is successful

Password change request

Request a push for authentication.
The server sends the information required for authentication in a push notification based on the request information.

    NSString *cusID = [[PASSIPADManager shared] getCusID];
    [[PASSIPADManager shared] reqAuthEx:cusID withAuthType:PAD_USEDTYPE_CHANGEPW withCompletion:^(PASSIPADResult *result) {
        if( [result.code isEqualToString:@"0000"] )
            // 핀패드 띄우고
            [self showPinPad:CertMode];
            [CommonUtil showAlert:result.message];

used_type refers to the type used. Set the type as specified in the table below.

Used Type Code
Log In 2
Change Password 4
Deregistration 5
Push Token Update 6
Registration for Bio Authentication 8
Bio Authentication 9
Deregistration for Bio Authentication 10

Authentication completion check

Request password change.

- 비밀번호 변경을 요청 합니다.
- 본 api는 전자서명 값을 필요로 합니다.

// 핀패드 입력 후 인증 체크 
NSString *cusID = [[PASSIPADManager shared] getCusID];
[[PASSIPADManager shared] reqChangePasswordEx:cusID withPassword:pw withCompletion:^(PASSIPADResult * _Nonnull result) {
    if( [result.code isEqualToString:@"0000"] )
        // 기간계 전자서명 검증 요청 API
        NSMutableDictionary *dic = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
        [dic setObject:cusID       forKey:@"cus_id"];
        [dic setObject:result.authToken         forKey:@"auth_token"];
        [dic setObject:result.sign              forKey:@"sign"];
        [dic setObject:result.signText          forKey:@"sign_text"];
        //고객사 인증 체크 
        NSString *serverIP = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/spin/spmng/verify", SERVER_URL];        
        [CommonUtil PostNetManager:serverIP withMethod:@"POST" withParam:dic withCompletion:^(PASSIPADResult *result) {
           // 성공 메시지 
        //에러 메시지 