iES Overview

What is iES?

By applying patented password replacement algorithms to change the existing passwords and strings into new replacement passwords, iES provides even stronger security.
In addition, iES solutions integrate user authentication and login to ensure fast and easy access to services in various online environments.
With the SaaS solution based on Amazon Web Services (AWS), service providers can quickly configure authentication on the application-running platforms,
and they’ll be charged for the number of users per month based on MAU.
We provide online technical support and iES service operations in line with the service environment so that our customers can offer a reliable service to their users.

Cloud-based quick authentication service with enhanced security and simplicity

Prevention of password leak through phishing and pharming

New password replacement for even stronger security

SSL encryption and E2E (End-to-End Encryption)

Enhanced security with the two-factor and two-channel user authentication system

Cloud-based iES (SaaS)

iES provided on the cloud offers enhanced security services
and quickly identifies and implements key elements of the customer’s business to provide consulting to deploy quick authentication and 2FA authentication services and integrated solutions.
Apply iES to a variety of business models to deliver a new user experience and extend the e-commerce and service experience.